


私は30年以上前にカリフォルニアでHe Intends Victoryというミニストリーに出会いました。私の通っていた教会の牧師であるブルース・ソンネンバーグさんがロサンジェルスでHIVにかかっている人たちのサポートを始めたのです。多くのHIV患者が肉体的にも精神的にもその死亡率の高さから絶望していました。






Our Story

I met He Intends Victory ministry more than 30 years ago in California.

My church pastor, Rev. Bruce Sonnenberg, started supporting friends who were suffering from HIV in LA. Many HIV patients were devastated physically and mentally because of its mortality. People with HIV were overwhelmed by sickness, fear, anxiety and prejudice. Even if they took the many antiviral pills available then, death often waited for them. We prayed for friends with HIV together. After that, I left LA to go to Japan. Since then, God answered our prayers. Better medications have since been invented. HIV is no longer the death sentence it once was. However, there is little education on HIV, and patients with HIV do not have any support groups to rely upon. Often, patients struggle with the same hopelessness I saw in my days in LA. To fight this, I reconnected with Bruce to get some advice. These days, Bruce has been aiding orphans with HIV in Africa. I joined his HIV ministry in Africa to learn how best to support those suffering from HIV.